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Planning Board Minutes 07/27/2015
July 27, 2015

Members attending: KO’Connell, JFletcher, PRenaud, KPaulsen, AWood
7:05 p.m.  Meeting Opened
PRenaud began reading the July 13, 2015 meeting minutes. Minor spelling changes were made.  No substantive changes were made.  PRenaud motioned accept the minutes as amended.  AWood seconded the motion.  Vote was unanimous in favor.
7:18 p.m. Allrose Farm Country Weddings.
KO’Connell motioned to keep ARF in abeyance.  He advised the Planning Board that ARF has applied for a variance.  The Board of Adjustment has a public hearing scheduled August 12, 2015 at 8:00m p.m.
7:20 p.m. Old Business
KO’Connell appointed RMarshall to sit in for SFox.   RMarshall commented that the Boards should start looking for new applicant as a replacement of the minute taker.  December is fast approaching and SRossi will need time to train her replacement.  There are many steps to the different boards for preparation and minute taking and there has to be dual takers at future meetings to get the replacement on board.  
7:55 p.m. CIP - KPaulsen
KPaulsen presented a newer version of the CIP worksheet.  He said at the next meeting, the Planning Board will prioritize the items for each department on the worksheets.  He wants to generate a list of consequences of what we are proposing to the Select Board and wants see how they will react to our presentation.  
One item has come up about the library, the flooding of the basement.  If we do a band aid fix which always doesn’t work, then a long range fix is what we need to present to the Select Board.   There are several issues at the library that need to be addressed, so the CIP, is the prefect means to present to the SB.  RMarshall reported that a structural engineer was out in winter and prices for bids of his services.  The library committee has some bids for footings and drain that is needed, the bids are piecemeal and no bid is a complete bid for all that has to be done.     The committee was advised that excavation has to be done very carefully because the building is made of loose stone.         
Police Department:
The chief will be asking for 2 new vehicles.  The chief’s choice of vehicle is the Ford Sport Utility vehicle.   KO’Connell asked what is to be presented to the Select Board.  KPaulsen said a cover, a spreadsheet showing the priority item per Planning Board choice.
Fire Department:
The fire chief presented a 2 page report to Select Board for items that need to be replaced.  He is realizing what is available monetarily and is doing as best he can to get the items he needs.  RMarshall said by pushing out the years to purchase the larger items, this will allow the town to start on the Capital Reserve Fund.  
KPaulsen said a 2009 amendment in the town warrant changed the name from Capital Reserve Fund for Fire Truck to add apparatus to the title.  KPaulsen wonders who has the power to spend this money.   Because of this APatt is going to get info from Attorney General to find out who can authorize the spending of the funds in the Capital Reserve.
Town Clerk and Tax Collector:
The town clerk needs to have a new fireproof cabinet, but the floor may not be able to hold the weight and there is no room to put the cabinet in.   PRenaud reported that there are personal safety issues for the town clerk and tax collector.   Before any construction can be done at the town hall, a structural engineer needs to inspect the bldg.  There is also an electrical issue with the town clerk’s office and the administrator’s office.  We need to have a study done to identify the needs for the town.  AWood said there is a significant security issue at the town office.  RMarshall said we have to have something very credible to show the Select Board in order to have the issues addressed.
JFletcher said we need to get this information in any way we can, even though I don’t feel some of the items should be in the CIP.   
DPW: Roads:
KPaulsen reported that Russell Station Rd can’t be repaired this year, so Gould Hill will be getting the culverts and possibly get the paving as well with any money left over from last year’s warrant article.  The paving at the recycling center will be a priority.    RMarshall said that we need a study for the public facilities needs for the upcoming 10-15 yrs.  We need to future planning even if the town doesn’t grow as we feel it might.  These conversations about future growth are needed, but for the CIP we need figures so the Select Board can plan for the future and not react to crises.  We need to smooth out costs as they come, avoid lease payments
Recycling Center:
JFletcher reported that Carol??? said the balers can go at any time. KO’Connell asked if they are on their last legs and do we have someone who can assess the viability of the baler for use. We need to have a professional assessor for the viability of the equipment we have on hand.  
RMarshall said doing the CIP allows each member to see what is needed.  KPaulsen asked the members to look over the worksheets and set their priority for each department.  
9:04 p.m. JHopkins PCC
JHopkins said, “I want to turn my property into an agricultural property.  I am coming before the board to find out what has to be done.  I have my pasture to grow flowers etc. and will be cutting out some more trees to create another 4 acres to raise bees to help with my meadry.  My property is in General Residence District.  RMarshall is most worried about do you remember in your application for the meadery, is your property is General or Village district?  After consulting the map in the meeting room, it was determined that the property is in the Village District.
PRenaud said that the meadery was granted under customary home occupations, but questions if agricultural use is allowed in the Village District.
RMarshall read from the Zoning Ordinance, Section IV, General Regulations and Restriction, Page 16, B. Professional and Customary Home Occupations, #2-B:  an accessory structure not attached to the dwelling…., a special exception may be granted by Board of Adjustment owned by applicant for an abutting lot.  
Both KO’Connell and JFletcher said the PB will have to research to what can be in done agriculturally within the state’s definitions of agriculture.   
JHopkins commented that he is looking into the adjacent church property with the possibility of purchasing and constructing on over 55 development.  With this being in the village district, this would be more economic development in town.  There are 15 acres with a price of $189K.   JFletcher read RSA 674.32 and advised JHopkins to have him check with his lawyer about the having employees and if this RSA over rules the town’s definition of an agricultural business in the Village district.  
PRenaud asked, “Where does the meadery stand in acquiring your licenses?” Have you received the licenses required which are a condition of the Planning Board granting your request for operation.”  JHopkins said as of now he still hasn’t received the licensing.  PRenaud asked about the SaniClean that he proposes to use, disposal especially.  JHopkins said he has an approved septic system.  PRenaud commented the pH level that will be dispensed from the meadery will cause the septic system to fail within a short period of time.   JHopkins said he would look into using a different product.
9:41 p.m.  Construction Chapter of Master Plan
RMarshall has read the chapter and found a few corrections.
On page 2, the soil survey at the bottom, needs a line stating “designation is described below.”
The table of construction type and acreage are names only, no table attached.
Excavation sites:   there are 4 sites only in town and R2 17.1 on Sawmill Road is inaccurateas it is overgrown.  R??1-2 off Muzzey Hill Road is inactive.  PRenaud will check with CShaw to see who owns the active pit for next meeting. Section 7 needs to show a change of “¾ of sites are in non-permitted locations.”  RMarshall asked the members to think about general statements to be made at the end of the chapter.  He asked KO’Connell permission to contact LMurphy about the changes.  KO’Connell said gladly. KPaulsen said there are references to maps and there are no maps.  
AWood said during conversation with the EDAC, he is asking Planning Board members, “Does anyone know if there are town easements under the poles that would allow a property owner to put in conduit?”  PR said you should check with the Select Board.  The book “Hard Road to Travel” has all that information in it commented PRenaud.   PRenaud said there are laws governing this and because of the late hour, my mind can’t bring anything to mind what they are.
10:07 p.m. Adjournment
PRenaud motioned to adjourn. KPaulsen seconded.  Vote unanimous in favor.